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1970 Red MGB Roadster in good running condition with 68,200 original miles. Chrome front bumpers, rear chrome split mini bumpers and painted wire wheels. Normal wear and tear for a 53 year old car. One dent in the front left quarter panel but can be removed by someone who has the know-how. There are a few extras, like a Bimini top, Bottles of Octane Booster, Bottles of Lead Additive, Dual Carburetor Synchronization Meter, Car Cover, extra pair of Mini Split Chrome Bumpers, original tire changing tools in the original bag and assorted small parts. Asking $6,500.Contact Mark Goodstein mbgoodstein@gmail.com or (860) 372-8673.
1976 MGB MK IV: Manual 4-speed, new black vinyl seats and top. White Exterior, 83,400 miles. 2021 upgrades/service include: new ignition switch and tumbler; new fuel pump, hoses, and filter; new battery, gasket/seals; complete engine tune-up; carburetor reworked; exhaust system repositioned and refastened; cooling system, sublet radiator, brakes, rear differential, steering fully serviced and repaired. $11,500, OBO - Pete Amara (203) 627-1714
1977 MGB: royal blue exterior with tan interior. The car currently has mounted a 1985 rebuilt Mazda RX7 12A rotary engine; the original engine is currently in storage and will be sold with the car. Standard 5-speed transmission. Weber racing carburetor. Original tonneau cover. Very good condition, well maintained and runs great. Veredestin tires with low mileage. $12,500 OBO. Please contact Roberto Medina. Robnfrancie@gmail.com
1977 Red MG-B great fun car! Wonderful car with many extras. New soft-top, new tonneau cover, short top cover, old front bra cover, box of old and extra parts, manuals and history of the car at British By The Sea from 2022 and 2023. Car has about 77,400 miles. Red exterior with black interior. Great fun car to own and drive. Car has been garaged, selling due to need to use garage for another car. Asking $7,500.00 which includes many extras part, floor jack, jack stands, tools and original drivers manual. Located in Clinton, CT. Contact Carey Reeder rcr3ph@aol.com
Selling my collection of books mostly about MGs plus a few other makes/marques. Books in Good to Fine condition. If interested, email me, Ed Goldberg, at mg48tcgrn@yahoo.com and I'll send you a price list.
Spare/Surplus Parts from '61 MGA Restoration: 5 wire wheels, sand blasted and etched with tubes; drive shaft; frame with some rust through and inside of main rail; front-end components including spindles, kingpins, springs, rotors, hubs, etc. Located in Groton. Make offers. fconti@gofsg.com
1975-1980 Rubber Bumper MG Midget driver-side floor pan. NEW IN BOX $175 OBO John Kriedel kriedjf@gmail.com
Just discovered my 1976 MGB 18V engine will need a pre-1974 front plate in order to mount in my 1960 MGA. Does anyone have such an item that they would be willing to part with? Call Fred Conti @ 860-460-8617 or email @ fred.conti@comcast.net.”