Support the Rallye


The $200,000 the Rallye has raised thus far benefits Breakthrough T1D's research, research-related education, and clinical studies that evaluate new therapies and treatments and seek to better understand the disease’s cause and progression. The funding has advanced prevention treatments, artificial pancreas systems, beta cell encapsulation research, and insulin and drug therapies. The Rallye has raised great awareness as well as substantial funds for this much-needed research. To make a financial donation to the Rallye, click here.  


Become a sponsor, and introduce your business to local adults and families who appreciate fine cars! Sponsoring the "Rallye for a Cure" is also a great way to show your dedication to "giving back" to the community, and a thoughtful way to thank the group of car owners who have patronized your business in the past. Sponsoring the Rallye also exposes your business to potential new customers. There are opportunities available in many categories, and the benefits are numerous! To find out more about sponsoring the Rallye, click here.


Become a Rallyemaster! We always need help gathering auction items, planning the route, brainstorming creative questions for the adventure, and spreading the word! To find out more about how you can be a part of the fun in planning this day, click here!


Our 2025 Sponsors

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